Seasonal Pitches
Our Seasonal Pitches are set in probably the most stunning coastal setting you will find anywhere, we are proud of our manicured, well maintained Holiday Park.
Our beautiful, well maintained holiday park, with over 400 flowering shrubs and trees, is the perfect place to come if you are fed up with towing your caravan across the UK for a holiday. Why not leave your caravan at Napps. Each spacious seasonal pitch is fully inclusive, with hardstand, electric, water and waste connections, with a slabbed or chippings awning area, oh, and of course that view! The refreshing friendly atmosphere a Seasonal Park creates, with customers who value, enjoy, and appreciate what we have, and at the same time treat the Park as their own, means a great deal to us. Entry to the Park is controlled by a security barrier which ensures added privacy.

Prices From £3600